Healing the Earth

Dan's original words and music are here for all to share so open your hearts and sing along

Music Video

Music Video

Music Video

Music Video

Music Video

Music Video

Music Video

Music Video

Requiem for a Forest

Forests are our lifeline. They help us breathe.  This is dedicated to all the Forest Protectors.  Environmental heroes that are everyday people, our friends and neighbors.  See how very crucial forests are to all of us.

Music Video

This music video is in support of all the people working tirelessly to stop the compressor station from being built in Weymouth. There's been a positive ruling which is making it more difficult for the project to be completed. Thanks to all of you and we continue to support your efforts!!!!!!

Music Video

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This music video is inspiringly thought provoking with soothing undertones.

Sit back, close your eyes and travel with your mind and heart.

Dreamon is for everyone everywhere.


Music Video